The Charities

It only seems fair that if we’re having the mother of all adventures we should give a little (hopefully a lot) back! We have chosen three charities to support, Cool Earth, Mind and RSPCA; more information on all of these charities can be found below. If you wish to sponsor GK Garages for the 2023 Mongol Rally then head over to the Just Giving link below. Thank you!

Cool Earth

We look for innovate ways to protect the rainforest, whilst strengthening communities. Help local people build resilience today in order to protect the rainforest tomorrow. Donate today. Smartest climate action. Halt deforestation. Get involved. Helping local communities. We champion the relationship between people, rainforest and climate. Cool Earth exists to give cash direct to rainforest communities, to fund projects that create choice, tackle the root causes of deforestation. and protect vital carbon sinks. This is our mission. To back people, to protect the rainforest and fight the climate crisis.


We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect. Every year, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem. But hundreds of thousands of people are still struggling. We believe no one should have to face a mental health problem alone. We’ll listen, give you support and advice, and fight your corner.


Through our campaigns we raise standards of care, and awareness of issues, affecting animals today. We rely on your support to help us push for changes in the law to improve the welfare of animals on farms, in labs, in the wild, in paddocks or our homes. Through investigations and prosecutions we stand up to those who deliberately harm animals to send out a clear message – we will not tolerate animal abuse. Our highly trained officers tackle neglect and cruelty on every level working to stamp out animal cruelty. Animals can rely on us to rescue them when they need us most. To rehabilitate them wherever possible, provide them with the very best veterinary care and to find them new homes, either through rehoming or release.