The Rally

The 2023 Mongol Rally Starts in:

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The Mongol Rally is road trip of epic proportions. Rally teams source and prepare their vehicle of choice getting it and themselves ready for an adventure of a lifetime. The Rally begins in mid-July from Prague for the launch party and start line but from then on, it is every team for themselves! The rally heads East for 10,000 miles, passing through over 20 countries spanning across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. There is no defined route so you can truly pick your own adventure, follow your nose and also claim that you never took a wrong turn! Check out our route here! 

The finish line is found after passing through Mongolia and a quick hop into Russia to Ulan Ude where the rally ends. Us madmen at GK Garages have decided this isn’t quite enough for us so we are planning on completing the home journey as well heading via “the northern route” through Russia to get back to good old Blighty.

This epic road trip is organised by The Adventurists who have stipulated the 3 important roles which you can have a look at below. Or if you want to find out more and maybe even join us for this insane adventure, click the logo on the right to discover more!


Rule 1:

You can take any car, as long as it’s crap and with an engine of 1.2 litre or less (don’t worry, we got special dispensation to allow us to bring our extra 0.1 litre!) You need to drive a small, shit car to make the rally tougher. It’s no fun if it’s too easy. If you want easy go for a spa weekend. If you want to make it harder, take a small bike. With a small car or bike, you’re more likely to break down so you’re more likely to interact with the locals, more likely to get stuck and more likely to have an adventure. The worse the car the greater the adventure. In fact if you find your car is doing better than expected you are probably wise to pour sugar in the petrol tank.

Rule 2:

We could tell you everything you need to know about all the countries, roads and borders between here and Russia to ensure you have a safe, uncomplicated journey. But if it’s not dangerous and you aren’t lost, you’re not on an adventure. That means no backup or support. If you get stuck or in trouble, you need to solve the problem yourself. Any ‘Help! We’re broken down in Tajikistan,’ type phone calls to Rally HQ will be met with a snort of derision and a click of the receiver.

Rule 3:

It only seems fair that if you’re having the mother of all adventures you should give a little back, so we ask teams on the Rally to raise a minimum of £500 for the official rally charity Cool Earth. If you raise £1000 for them you go into a draw to win a money-can’t-buy trip to the Peruvian Amazon jungle to see their work first hand. If you’d prefer to raise money for other registered charities that’s all good. Anything over the £500 minimum for Cool Earth can be donated to your own causes.